A2P Campaign Recommendations for REI

Certainly! Here’s a summary of the key points discussed, excluding the inquiry about the last chat message’s date: Throughout the conversation, the focus has been on ensuring compliance with A2P 10DLC messaging regulations, effectively managing SMS campaigns, and the strategic use of different campaign types to meet your business objectives in the real estate sector. … Continued

A2P Campaign Recommendations for REI

https://chat.openai.com/c/e8ac9157-126d-4c27-be06-61a98c0e7118 Certainly! Here’s a summary of the key points discussed, excluding the inquiry about the last chat message’s date: Throughout the conversation, the focus has been on ensuring compliance with A2P 10DLC messaging regulations, effectively managing SMS campaigns, and the strategic use of different campaign types to meet your business objectives in the real estate … Continued